
The gesture loves experience.

The sculptures Expansion are static shapes including traces of a past, slow movement, a gesture from the hand or the machine. A freeze frame took place. There is a tension between the movement and the static, like a transition from static to the movement by the gesture. It is the surface itself which extends, it has no focus point, this is a transformation, an evolving shape in space and in time.

The manual work is shown forth with the art works Expansion. A small volume is extended, expanded to a bigger scale. It is modelled then stamped in plaster moulds that were made before. Preparing the moulds is a work, with specific steps where the moments of observation will become other new artistic possibilities. A certain quantity of raw material needs to be moved and modelled. Surprises regularly emerge from these gestures. The plaster shapes that allow us to model the shape pre-thought are made with automatic and repetitive gestures. Maybe they will become new sources of inspiration for future shapes and installations.

And the public, what does he feel ? Does he see the trace of a past movement ? Is he mistaken by the concave aspect of the shape, its transformation by the material associated to the color ? The latter is sometimes absorbing, sometimes returning the light. It is at the heart of the tension between the visible (what we can observe), the unseen (what we can calculate) and the invisible (what is hypothetical) that the imagination and the fiction found their place.
Anne Sauvageot, The Conversation.

Vue de l’exposition Sillon, Parcourt d’Art Contemporain, commissariat de Bastien Joussaume, 2019
Vue de l’exposition Sillon, Parcourt d’Art Contemporain, commissariat de Bastien Joussaume, 2019.
sculptures Expansion.
Plans serrés des sculptures Expansion.
sculptures Expansion.
sculptures Expansion.
Moulage plâtre d’un grand volume, enterrage terre et polystyrène, atelier de l’Usine, été 2018.
Moulage plâtre d’un grand volume, enterrage terre et polystyrène, atelier de l’Usine, été 2018.
ue d’exposition à la galerie Fracas, Octobre 2018, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Vue d’exposition à la galerie Fracas, Octobre 2018, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Vue d’exposition à la galerie Fracas, Octobre 2018, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Vue d’exposition à la galerie Fracas, Octobre 2018, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Vue d’exposition à la galerie Fracas, Octobre 2018, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Vues d’exposition du Parcours d’Art Contemporain WAC, dans la Drôme (26), juin 2018.
Vues d’exposition du Parcours d’Art Contemporain WAC, dans la Drôme (26), juin 2018.
Vues d’exposition du Parcours d’Art Contemporain WAC, dans la Drôme (26), juin 2018.
Vues d’exposition du Parcours d’Art Contemporain WAC, dans la Drôme (26), juin 2018.